Now hiring:

  1. Full-time Retail Salesperson up to $23,000/month, no experience needed   

  2. Part-Time Sales Person HK$50/hour + Commissions & Bonuses, no experience needed

If you are interested, please email me your CV (resume) at [email protected] 

We will review your CV and invite you to the interview. 

Looking forward to meet you, 
Winnie Lam
Head of the recruitment department

 1. Full-time Retail Salesperson up to $23,000/month, no experience needed

(12 adult product supermarkets are located at Central, Causeway Bay, Wan Chai, TST, Jordan, Mong Kok, Sham Shui Po, Yuen Long)

The biggest and fast growing chain of adult product supermarkets “Take Toys” is looking for a Full-time Sales Person for our supermarkets. You will be responsible for sales and helping the daily shop management process.


  • Providing good customer service and sales
  • Performing other tasks and duties as assigned


  • Good working attitude, rich sense of responsibility
  • Good customer communication skills, able to establish good customer relationship
  • Fluent Cantonese, Mandarin and English
  • Preferably with immediate availability

Salary and working hours:

From 52 hours/week (12-13 days off per month) to 70 hours/week (4 days off per month)

From HK$14,500 to up to HK$23,000 

Work by shifts 6-13 hours from 11:00 to 24:00

Overtime Salary: $65/hr

Commissions & Bonuses & Benefits:

1)     Yearly bonus

2)     Monthly sales commission depending on your monthly sales volume

3)     Product commission for selling products under promotion

4)     Punctuality bonus

5)     Knowledge test bonus

6)     Christmas & Chinese New Year bonuses

7)     Paid birthday leave day & bonus

8)     Marriage bonus

9)   Staff discount for all our products

10)    Paid 12 HK statutory holidays and 7-14 days annual leave depending on employment duration

*Commissions & bonuses may be changed, introduced or cancelled upon management decision

 2. Part-Time Sales Person HK$50/hour + Commissions & Bonuses, no experience needed

(12 adult product supermarkets are located at Central, Causeway Bay, Wan Chai, TST, Jordan, Mong Kok, Sham Shui Po, Yuen Long)

The biggest and fast growing chain of adult product supermarkets “Take Toys” is looking for a Part-time Sales Person for our supermarkets. You will be responsible for sales and helping the daily shop management process.


  • Providing good customer service and sales
  • Performing other tasks and duties as assigned


  • No experience needed
  • Good spoken and written English, Mandarin and Cantonese
  • Good working attitude and punctuality, rich sense of responsibility, team player
  • Good customer communication skills, able to establish good customer relationship
  • Preferably with immediate availability

Salary and shifts:

HK$50 per hour plus commissions & bonuses

Working in shifts, each shift is from 6 to 13 hours from 11:00 to 24:00 depending on the store location and your preferences. You can choose how many shifts a week you are willing to take.


You will work at one of our stores in Central, Causeway Bay, Tsim Sha Tsui, Jordan, Sham Shui Po, Wan Chai, Mong Kok or Yuen Long.

Why you may like to work with us?

• No Experience is needed

• The first priority for us is your passion to work and willingness to learn.

We don’t judge people on their education and previous work experience or its absence, we will teach you all the required skills, you only need to learn, be responsible and full of initiative.

• Young and friendly team

No bureaucracy

We’ve developed a friendly working environment. No dress code and other unnecessary limitations - you can just be yourself.

• Trainings and useful skills

You will improve your communication and sales techniques. We are providing trainings.

This will help you to earn more and to build your future career.

• Exciting new life experience

Working in unusual field of adult products, selling sex toys, condoms, lubricants, even VR sex toys. If you’ve always distinguished yourself from the crowd, this is a place for you. You’ll be able to get lots of new and useful knowledge about family and sex life, helping people to live a better, more vivid and joyful life.
