Formoonsa Menstraul Cup is launched in Taiwan successfully in February of 2017.

Vanessa Tseng, the founder of Formoonsacup: “I want Taiwanese women to have more choices and I want them to understand that they can be more active in fighting for their rights — not just waiting for good things to fall into their laps”
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bestseller Formoonsa Menstrual Cup Standard 20ml

bestseller Formoonsa Menstrual Cup 2G Soft Conical 42ml

Formoonsa Menstraul Cup is launched in Taiwan successfully in February of 2017.

Vanessa Tseng, the founder of Formoonsacup: “I want Taiwanese women to have more choices and I want them to understand that they can be more active in fighting for their rights — not just waiting for good things to fall into their laps”